What are you interested in? At the time of assess your students, what is more important?
This is one of the most conrtoversial questions a teacher could be asked to answer. Most of the teachers claim that every student is important, equal and taken as all the others in the group. But I have felt the difference between those teachers who really care about our learning process, knowledge, opinions, points of view, etc: and the others who just focus on a score and a face.
What kind of teachers are we? Can we forget about the subjectivity and just be objective? Or can we make a balance between both?
Assessment affects decisions about grades, placement, advancement, instructional needs, curriculum, and, in some cases, funding. Assessment inspires us to ask these hard questions: "Are we teaching what we think we are teaching?" "Are students learning what they are supposed to be learning?" "Is there a way to teach the subject better, thereby promoting better learning?”
Sometimes we think we are using the right methodology and don't think about students learning, we don't make questions, like: Are they learning? Am I doing it right? What else do they need to comprehend what I want them to learn?
Regarding to all those questions you mentioned in your post it basically deals with one of the essential issues that a teacher must bear in mind not only when assessing but also in the general teaching performance; The "self-assessment", this is crucial for a teacher to be concious about asking himself; how am I doing ? and in which way am I affecting my students?, the most of times teachers just dedicate their time to design nice and dynamic lessons, or to keep Ss busy, but unconsciously neglect the autoevaluation which is very important for those people who their professional performance directly affects other people, as teachers do. For this reason some teachers take a short time of their clases to ask Ss their opinions about the activities, the lessons, their motivation etc, and all those aspects that can emerge in the classrrom. I think it is a great practice that could help to the self-assessment in order to make better decisions and improve teacher practices and methodologies.